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Крањ 2012 (SLO)

Крањ 2012
Међународно првенство Крања

1. ДАТУМ ОДРЖАВАЊА: 02./03.06.2012.године2. МЕСТО ОДРЖАВАЊА: Отворени Олимпијски базен 50m

Opis tekmovanja
Tekmovanje je tradicionalno organizirano v mesecu juniju, ki predstavlja zaključni del vsakoletne plavalne sezone. Namenjeno je starejšim kategorijam plavalk in plavalcev. Tekmovanja se zaradi ustreznega termina in odlične organizacije redno udeležujejo številni domači in tuji reprezentanti, s čimer potrjujejo, da velja za enega izmed najpomembnejših plavalnih dogodkov v jugo-vzhodni regiji.

More information
The competition is traditionally held in June, which represents the peak of the annual swimming season. It is intended for older categories of swimmers. Due to its adequate schedule and excellent organization, the competition is regularly attended by Slovenian and foreign national team members, thereby confirming that it is one of the most important swimming events in the south-east region.

Age groups Male swimmers Female swimmers
A Born 95 and older Born 97 and older
B Born 96 – 97 Born 98 – 99
C Born 98 and younger Born 00 and younger

4. Proposition (ENG) 
5. Lenex Entry File / Пријавни фајл
6. Excel Entry File / XLS Пријавни фајл


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